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June 17, 2023





a.             The name of the Party shall be the Keystone Party of Manitoba.


b.             The Principles of the Party are outlined n Schedule A, which is incorporated as part of this Constitution.




The Keystone Party of Manitoba shall maintain a central office and other offices at locations to be determined by the Board of Directors.




Wherever appropriate herein, the masculine may mean the feminine and the singular may mean the plural or vice versa.




a.             Any natural person may be a Member who is:


i.         14 years of age or older with the consent of a parent or guardian;


ii.         a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada;


iii.         ordinary a resident of Manitoba;


iv.          actively supports the Principles of the Party;


v.         signifies their intention to join the Party;


vi.          has personally paid the Party’s membership fee in the amount and manner specified by operational policy; and


vii.         is not holding membership in another provincial political party.

b.             Twenty-one (21) days after payment of a membership fee in the amount and in the manner specified by operational policy, every member age 18 or over is entitled to:


i.         participate in any meeting of the electoral district association in which that person resides or serves as a board member;


ii.         vote for, and stand for election to, the Board of Directors of the electoral district association in which that person resides;


iii.          vote for, and stand for election to, the Provincial Board of Directors;


iv.          vote for, and stand for election as, a delegate or alternate delegate at any meeting called by an electoral district association in which that person resides or serves as a board member, for the selection of delegates or alternate delegates to any convention of the Party;


v.          subject to the Electoral District Constitution, stand for election to the Board of Directors of an Electoral District Association other than the one in which that person resides;


vi.          stand for election as a delegate or alternate for any District Meeting of EDAs; and


vii.         members aged 14 to 17 will not be eligible to vote at Party meetings or conventions.


c.             Each Member shall hold their membership for a term commencing on the payment date of any prescribed membership fee and continuing for the period stated in the membership application.


d.             A member whose membership has lapsed for failure to pay a prescribed membership renewal fee shall remain a member in good standing if their fees are paid within 90 days of the expiration date.


e.             Membership of any Member shall be terminated or denied in the following cases:


i.         Failure by the Member to pay any prescribed membership fee;


ii.         Resignation by the Member submitted in writing to The Keystone Party of Manitoba;


iii.         Failing to adhere to the Principles embodied in this Constitution;


iv.          Working against the objectives of the Keystone Party of Manitoba;

v.          Disrupting any meeting or Convention of the Keystone Party of Manitoba;


vi.          Damaging the reputation and goodwill of the Keystone Party of Manitoba.


f.               When a Constituency Association or other authority such as a Meeting Chair deems it desirable to terminate or deny membership, the Association or authority shall apply to the Provincial Council stating why the membership should be terminated or denied.


g.             If the Provincial Council deems it appropriate to terminate or deny membership, the Council shall notify the Member or potential Member, the Board President, and the Constituency Association in writing within 48 hours of the decision.


h.             The Member or potential Member has the right to appeal this decision, in writing, within a further three days by giving written notice to the Provincial Council and the Constituency Association.


i.               Upon receipt of the Member’s or potential Member’s appeal, the President shall convene a meeting of the Board of Directors, the potential Candidate and the Association President to determine whether the rejection shall be upheld.




i.               For administrative purposes, Constituency Associations will be grouped into 14 Districts comprised of the federal electoral districts for Manitoba:



·       Brandon-Souris

·       Charleswood-St.James-Assiniboia-Headingley

·       Churchill-Keewatinook Aski

·       Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa

·       Elmwood-Transcona

·       Kildonan-St.Paul

·       Portage-Lisgar

·       Provencher

·       Saint Boniface-Saint Vital

·       Selkirk-Interlake-Eastman

·       Winnipeg Centre

·       Winnipeg North

·       Winnipeg South

·       Winnipeg South Centre

b.             Any member can utilize the Elections Canada lookup application to establish the District for his Constituency Association.


c.             If a constituency spans two federal districts, memberships of the Constituency Association will determine which District they are most closely affiliated with and notify the Provincial Council and Provincial Board of their decision.


d.             In each year, where a Convention or General Election does not occur, each District shall host a District Meeting within the boundaries of that District.


e.             The President of each Constituency Association within the District shall be a member of a committee formed to organize the District Meeting.


f.               District Meetings will make provisions for a separate forum for members aged 14-17 to understand better our legislature’s structure and how the Keystone Party of Manitoba fits in.


g.             The quorum for a committee meeting shall be a majority of its members present in person or by electronic communication that permits all persons participating in the discussion to hear each other.


h.             Business coming before the meeting shall be determined by a simple majority of votes cast at the meeting.


i.               At least 30 days written notice of holding a district Meeting shall be sent to all Members of the recognized Constituency Associations within that District, In the event of interruption of postal service, the required written notice shall be sent by courier or confirmed electronic means to the President of each recognized Constituency Association.


j.               In advance of all District Meetings, Provincial Council shall appoint a District Meetings Constitution and Policy Resolutions Sub-committee whose duties are:


i.         To prepare and circulate to Executive members of the Constituency Associations in all districts a call for policy resolutions to be considered at the District Meeting. The call for and the consideration of resolutions at the District Meeting shall follow the policies and procedures established by Provincial Council;


ii.         All policy resolutions must be consistent with this Constitution and the Party Principles addended as Schedule A;

iii.          To prepare and circulate to the members of the Executive of the Constituency Associations in all districts a call for proposals for amendments to this Constitution. The call for and the consideration of those proposals at the District Meetings shall be done following the policies and procedures established by Provincial Council;




iv.          To accept, review, and comment on all proposals for amendments to this Constitution and policy resolutions to be presented to a District Meeting;


v.          Not later than 30 days before the date set for a District Meeting, to notify the Members within that District that amendments to this Constitution and/or policy resolutions will be proposed at the District Meeting and that members of the Party can obtain copies of the proposed amendments and policy resolutions by contacting the Party office.


k.             Copies of the proposed amendments and policy resolutions shall be provided to all Constituency Presidents within the District 30 days before the District Meeting and to all members of the Party attending the District Meeting at the meeting.


l.               On approval of a majority vote of the members present and voting at a meeting of the Constituency Association called for that purpose, a recognized Constituency Association may propose amendments to this Constitution and policy resolutions for consideration at a District Meeting of the District where the Constituency resides.


m.           Notice of a proposal to amend this Constitution or a policy resolution so approved shall be given to the District Meetings Constitution and Policy Resolutions Sub-committee 90 days before the District Meeting where it is to be considered.


n.             Upon payment of the registration fee to attend a District Meeting, any Member of a Constituency Association within the District, who has been a Member for not less than 21 days before the date of the District Meeting, shall have the right to attend, speak, and vote at all meetings and matters arising at the District Meeting.


o.             Each Member entitled to vote at a District Meeting shall have only one vote. Proxy voting is not permitted.


p.             Policy resolutions considered at a District Meeting shall require a simple majority of the votes cast to be carried. A resolution amending this Constitution,

including the Principles of the Party, must receive two-thirds majority of the votes cast to be accepted.




a.             Subject to 3(c) above, Members of CAs in each District will elect one person to sit on the Provincial Board of Directors using the Candidate Selection process as a template for selection and election representing the CAs and Members for that District.


b.             For the first term only, people serving on the Steering Committee will have priority if they wish to stand as a Director and will take a spot for their District.


c.             If two or more Steering Committee members are from the same District, members of the District will elect one to represent them.


d.             Steering Committee members will sit for a one-year term, and CAs will elect others to ensure that we have seven members serving a one-year term. The other seven will serve a two-year term, with one-half of the Provincial Board elected or re-elected each year.


e.             Elected Members of the Provincial Board shall elect from their number by a simple majority secret ballot:


·       A President

·       A Vice-President

·       A Secretary

·       A Membership Chair

·       A Communications Chair


f.               Board members may stand for re-election but must not serve for more that three (3) consecutive two-year terms.


g.             The Provincial Board shall have the authority to engage and compensate a qualified person as Chief Financial Officer. The Duties of the Chief Financial Officer shall be as follows:


i.         To act as the Financial Officer for the Keystone Party of Manitoba;


ii.         To ensure that all of the Party’s accounts are kept at a credit union, or the following: chartered bank, trust or loan corporation;

iii.         To keep legible records of all contributions and other income received by the Party, including the names of all contributors and the amounts contributed.


iv.          To keep legible records of all bills, invoices, vouchers, and receipts.


v.          To ensure that all statements, reports, returns, and documents required by The Elections Financing Act, as amended from time to time, are completed, audited, if required, and filed with the Chief Electoral Officer;


vi.          To perform any other acts that a Financial Officer is required by applicable legislation to perform;

vii.         To fulfill all statutory obligations to other regulatory bodies including, without limitation, Canada Revenue Agency;


viii.          To report to the Provincial Board on financial status at each meeting of the Board.


h.             The Board of Directors shall be empowered to engage and compensate a qualified person as an Auditor where required by The Elections Financing Act or any other applicable legislation.


i.               The Board of Directors is empowered to engage such office as required to provide efficient and effective services to Members, Constituency Associations, and parts of the operational structure.


j.               The Party Leader or his designate from the Caucus shall be an ex officio member of the Board of Directors.


k.             The Board of Directors shall be empowered to create the Keystone Party Fund Inc. as the designated fundraising arm of the Keystone Party of Manitoba.


l.               The Board of Directors shall ensure that all Keystone Party Fund Inc. members are members of the Board of Directors or the Provincial Council and include the Chief Financial Officer.


m.           The Board of Directors shall meet at least monthly, in-person or electronically or at the call of the President or by eight (8) members petitioning for a meeting. Those who attend electronically shall be counted for a quorum.


n.             A quorum of the Board of Directors shall be (8) members, not less than four (4) of whom represent rural ridings.


o.             Committee Chairs and the CFO will report on their area of responsibility at each Board meeting.

p.             The Board President will create and circulate an agenda for each meeting at least three (3) days before the meeting is held.


q.             At the start of each Board meeting, members will be allowed to declare if they have a conflict of interest respecting any item on the agenda. If so, they must recuse themselves from the discussion and vote on that item.




The Provincial Council is an advisory body empowered to make recommendations to the Party President or Leader depending on the recommendation.

a.             Members of the Provincial Council shall be the Presidents of the Constituency Associations, or a Constituency Association Board member designated by the President if he cannot attend.


b.             Constituency Association Presidents may nominate themselves or others to become Chair of the Provincial Council. Nominations will be forwarded to the Secretary of the Provincial Board.


c.             The Provincial Board will arrange for a secret, ranked ballot vote of Provincial Council Members to establish the Chair of the Council.


d.             The Party Leader or his Caucus designate and the President or his Provincial Board designate will be ex officio members of the Council.


e.             The Provincial Council shall implement the policies and objectives of the Party subject to the resolutions of the Party Convention and this Constitution.


f.               The Provincial Council shall be empowered to engage an Administrative Assistant, Secretary, and other staff required to carry out its duties expressed herein.


g.             After the First General Meeting, the term of office for Directors appointed by each Constituency shall serve from the date of their appointment by their Constituency or their election, as the case may be, until the next Annual General Meeting of their Constituency Association. Sitting Directors are eligible for re-election or reappointment.


h.             The Provincial Council shall establish committees as it deems necessary for the effective functioning of the Council. Committees will consist of members of the Party in good standing. Vacancies may be filled by the Council for any committees, with appointments serving until the next meeting of the Provincial Council.


i.               Provincial Council shall meet at least semi-annually, upon:

i.         The call of the Chair; or


ii.         Written request from at least ten (10) members to the Chair of the Provincial Council.


j.               Any or all members of the Provincial Council or a committee established by the Provincial Council may attend a meeting by electronic means that permits all persons participating in the meeting to hear each other. Members participating in a meeting shall be deemed to be present at the meeting and shall be included in the quorum.


k.             Before commencement of a meeting of Provincial Council, there shall be an opening quorum of a majority of its members. Business matters coming before a meeting shall be determined by a simple majority of votes cast at the meeting.


l.               If a member of the Provincial Council is unable to attend a meeting of the Provincial Council, the Executive of that Constituency Association may appoint another Member as their representative at that Provincial Council meeting. The Executive must provide the Chair with written notice of the change in representation and whether that change is for one meeting or permanent change.


m.           Minutes of Provincial Council meetings shall be provided to Council members and, upon request, to the Presidents of recognized Constituency Associations.


n.             The following shall not be entitled to be elected or appointed a voting member of the Provincial Council:


i.     Members of the Legislative Assembly except for the Leader or his Caucus appointee;


ii.     Employees of Members of the Legislative Assembly; or


iii.     Employees of the Keystone Party of Manitoba.




a.             Constituency Associations are the powerhouse of the Keystone Party of Manitoba, where members can make recommendations to influence the political and operational divisions of the Party. The Elected Member or Candidate of record are ex officio members of the Association Board to maintain a dialogue between the Members and their Representatives. In addition, the Association can transmit idea and proposals to the Provincial Council, which is empowered to make recommendations to the Caucus or Provincial Board as appropriate.

b.             Members of a Constituency will meet and elect not less than six or more than 12 of their number to sit as Directors of their Association.


c.             The Constituency Association so formed will be responsible for all affairs of the Association and adhere to the Constituency Association Constitution addended to this Constitution as Schedule B.


d.             If a Constituency Association wishes to propose an amendment to the Constituency Association Constitution, it may submit the proposed change and reason for the change to the Provincial Council for approval. The Provincial Council will determine if the proposed change is acceptable and whether the change will apply to the submitting Constituency only or all Constituencies in the Province.


e.             The Provincial Council will assist in the formation of Constituency Associations by assigning a local person to chair a formation meeting and inviting members of that Constituency to attend. If there are insufficient numbers to form an association, a formation meeting will be delayed as needed.


9.             PARTY LEADER


a.             The Keystone Steering Committee has appointed an Interim Political Leader who will remain in place until such time as Keystone Party Candidates are elected in a General Election.


b.             The Interim Leader may stand as a Candidate in his riding if he so chooses.


c.             Following a General Election, Keystone Party Members elected shall form a Caucus of equals. Each elected Member shall have an equal voice and vote in political affairs of the Party.


d.             The Caucus will operate on a shared responsibility basis as follows:


i.     Members of the Caucus will, by secret ballot, elect one of their number to act as Party Leader.


ii.     Members of the Caucus will decide among themselves who will fit portfolio Critic or Minister roles as the situation requires.


iii.     The Caucus will not form a Cabinet, which is contrary to our Principles. The role of the Caucus is to act as a team in governance or opposition, with every Member contributing to the best of his ability. Critics and Ministers are named to fit into the Legislative structure, not create an elite group within the Caucus.

iv.     The Party Whip’s job is to ensure that Caucus members are present for critical votes and brief members on business arising for that day, but he may not instruct members on voting.


v.     Caucus members are free to consult with their Constituency Association, their District Association, or the Provincial Council for advice whenever they choose to do so.





a.             Each duly recognized Constituency Association shall have the right to nominate the official Candidate of the Party at a Nomination Meeting of the members of the Constituency Association.


b.               In advance of every General Election or by-election, the Provincial Council will create a Candidate Recruitment Committee that shall be responsible for:


i.               Preparing rules for the Candidate Selection process, including:


·       The date when nomination will be received:

·       The date when nominations will close;

·       The date when the Candidate Selection Meeting shall occur;

·       The number of Member signatures to validate an application;

·       The amount of refundable deposit required as evidence of good faith in following candidate selection rules;

·       Regulations concerning the election period;

·       Requirement to comply with the Manitoba Elections Act and The Elections Financing Act;

·       Requirement to provide a criminal record check and sex offender check;

·       A requirement to provide the Party with authority to conduct a credit record check and social media check;

·       A candidate application form; and

·       A declaration that the Candidate will promote the Principles and Policies of the Party and abide by the Keystone Party of Manitoba Statement of Principles and Constitution.

ii.              Working with each recognized Constituency Association to seek potential candidates; and


iii.             Approving or rejecting a potential candidate seeking to be nominated as the official Candidate in a Constituency,


c.             The Candidate Recruitment Team shall consist of not less than three and not more than seven members, who shall be members of the Provincial Council. The quorum for a meeting of the Candidate Recruitment Team shall be a majority of its members, Business coming before meetings of the Candidate Recruitment Team shall be determined by a majority of the votes cast at such meetings. Members may meet in person or electronically if participants can clearly hear what others are saying. Electronic participants shall be counted in the quorum.


d.             Where the Candidate Recruitment Team determines that a potential candidate’s nomination would not be in the best interest of the Party, the Candidate Recruitment Team shall notify the potential Candidate, the Provincial Council Chair, The Board President, and the Constituency Association in writing within 48 hours of the decision.


e.             The potential Candidate has the right to appeal this decision, in writing, within a further three days by giving notice to the Candidate Recruitment Team and the Constituency Association. Upon receipt of the potential Candidate’s appeal, the President shall convene a meeting of the Board of Directors and the potential Candidate and the Association President before the scheduled nomination meeting to determine whether the rejection shall be upheld.


f.               When the meeting of the Board of Directors to hear the appeal cannot be scheduled before the nomination meeting, the Constitution Association shall adjourn the nomination meeting to a date after the meeting of the Board of Directors.


g.             On approval of a Candidate, the Candidate Recruitment Team will provide the Constituency Association with copies of the candidate application and other relevant materials.


h.             The Candidate Recruitment Team will have the right to waive the 21 days’ notice requirement for candidate Nomination Meetings if an election has been called or appears likely to be called imminently.


i.               If an election is called before a Nomination Meeting has been held by a Constituency Association, the Constituency Association Executive shall have the right to appoint a candidate on behalf of that Constituency following consultation with the Candidate Recruitment Team.

11.            CONVENTIONS


a.             The Members or their delegates gathered at Convention are the highest authority and supreme governing body of The Keystone Party of Manitoba.


b.             Subject to clause (c) below, upon payment of the registration fee to attend the Convention, any Member who has been a Member for at least 30 days before the date of the Convention shall have the right to attend, speak, and vote at all meetings and matters arising at a Convention.


c.             When membership numbers exceed 2,500, the Party will move to delegated conventions. The Conventions Arrangement Sub-committee will calculate a delegate-to-member ratio and a maximum number of delegates per Constituency Association to maintain delegate attendance at about 2,500.


d.             A list of delegates and alternates with their contact information must be submitted to the Conventions Accreditation Sub-committee not less that 60 days before the Convention.


e.             Unless otherwise determined by Provincial Council, a Convention shall be held in the fall of the year following a General Election and in the fall of the year, two years later, at a time and place fixed by the Provincial Council.


f.               At least 120 days’ written notice, or by confirmed electronic means, of the holding of any Convention shall be sent to the President of each recognized Constituency Association.


g.             In advance of each Convention, Provincial Council shall appoint the following sub-committees:


i.     A Conventions Arrangements Sub-committee whose duties are organize the Convention;


ii.     A Convention Constitution and Resolutions Sub-committee whose duties are to accept, review, and comment on all proposed amendments to this Constitution and Policy Resolutions approved at a Regional Meetings;


iii.     A Credentials Sub-committee whose duties are to make final decisions as to accreditation of members, delegates and other persons attending the Convention;


iv.     Such other Sub-committees as required to accomplish the purposes of a particular Convention.

h.             The resolutions and motions passed by the Convention of the Party shall be binding on the Keystone Party of Manitoba.





a.             The Provincial Council, or any committee or task force established by the Provincial Council, may propose amendments to this Constitution and policy resolutions for consideration at a Convention.


b.             The Caucus of The Keystone Party of Manitoba may propose policy resolutions to the Provincial Council for consideration at a Convention.


c.             Notice of the proposed amendments to the Constitution and policy resolutions shall be given to the Convention Constitution and Resolutions Sub- committee at least 90 days before the date set for a Convention.



d.             The Convention Constitution Resolutions Sub-committee shall ensure copies of the proposed amendments and policy resolutions are provided to all Members or their delegates on registration at the Convention.


e.             All proposed amendments and policy resolutions must be consistent with the founding Principles of The Keystone Party of Manitoba, as set out in Schedule A.


f.               At the Founding Convention of The Keystone Party of Manitoba, scheduled for Spring 2022, all resolutions, including the adoption of this Constitution, may be carried by a simple majority vote.


g.             A resolution amending this Constitution, including the Principles of the Party, at following Conventions must receive a two-thirds majority of the votes to be carried.




a.             The Chair of any meeting can appoint Members in good standing to act as official vote counters and scrutineers to ensure the validity of votes.


b.             Candidates in a candidate selection race or a general election can appoint Members in good standing as vote count scrutineers.


c.             Where this Constitution provides for a vote by secret ballot, Members participating by electronic means cannot vote; only the votes of people participating in person can be counted.

14.          NOTICES AND TIME


For all matters provided for in this Constitution dealing with notices and time periods.


a.             A period between two events shall be computed by excluding the first event’s date and including the second event’s date.


b.             Notices may be given by courier, email, personal delivery, or ordinary mail, and so long as such notices are addressed to the last known address, email address, according to the most recent records of the Party office. Such notices shall be deemed delivered.


i.     For notices sent by courier, on the day after delivery of the notice of the courier;


ii.     For notices sent by email, on the date of successful transmission;



iii.     For notices delivered personally, on the date of delivery to the recipient; and


iv.     For notices sent by ordinary mail, three days after delivery to the post office as evidenced by the post office receipt.


c.             Any notice required by this Constitution to be given to the membership of the Party may be included in a newsletter or publication circulated regularly to the membership of the Party.


d.             Notices to the Party, or Provincial Council, or Executive Directors of the Party, shall be addressed to the central office of the Party and marked to the attention of the appropriate person or body.


e.             Notices to a Constituency Association shall be addressed to the President at the postal address created for the Constituency Association.


f.               Any notice provision in this Constitution shall be considered to have been satisfied if reasonable compliance has been accomplished.



It shall be the duty of all elected officials of the Keystone Party of Manitoba to uphold and enforce the provisions of this Constitution.




Statement of Principles



a.    We believe that legislation and policy must conform to the fundamental rights set out in:


i.     The Charter of Rights and Freedoms embodied in our Constitution.

ii.     The Canadian Bill of Rights

iii.     The Canadian Human Rights Act

iv.     The Manitoba Human Rights Code

v.     The Constitution itself, and

vi.     Common Law precedents.


b.    We believe that human rights issues must conform with in accordance with the fundamental principles of justice contained in Schedule A 1(a) as listed above.




a.    We believe that the freedoms and rights of individuals to chart the course of their lives is the keystone of a democratic society that should be celebrated and protected.


b.    We believe that every person is entitled to an equal opportunity to grow and thrive, limited only by their abilities and efforts.


c.    We believe in the freedom and rights of each person while recognizing that we must ensure that public policies and legislation maintain the delicate balance between the freedoms and rights of the person and the freedoms and rights of the community and society.



a.             We believe in supporting persons unable to care for themselves and that such support is funded by the Province, delivered at city, municipal or town levels and provide the opportunity for recipients to earn income as an incentive to improve their situation.


a.    We believe that the Government of Manitoba, the Civil Service and Political parties, are accountable to the people of Manitoba for responsible governance.


b.    We believe that our elected representatives must be free to vote as they see fit on any issue or legislation coming before the legislature.


c.    We believe that elected representatives are the people’s voice, accountable to the people they represent and must be respected and treated as equals in our Party and the Legislature.


a.    We believe in the capitalism and free enterprise system responsible for creating the robust economy that lifted us to living standards envied the world over.


b.    We believe in a competitive business environment, entrepreneurship, small business, and that family farms are the driving forces behind our economic development.


c.    We believe in free trade, internally and externally. Regulations and taxation that inhibit trade are protectionisms that invite retaliation that is harmful to our economy.


a.    We believe we must protect Manitoba’s sovereignty set out in sections 92 to 95 of the Canadian Constitution and actively resist federal intrusions into that sovereignty.


b.    We believe that we must protect our air, land, and water as a heritage to pass from generation to generation.


c.    We believe that families have an inherent right to manage their affairs and that parents are the primary authority over how their children are raised and educated.


d.    We believe that property rights legislation requires expansion and improvement. Property rights must be extended to all property lawfully owned by a person.



a.    We believe that we must limit the government’s size, scope, and strong-arm influence to allow for individual freedom and fulfillment for individuals, families, cities and municipalities.


b.    We believe that the best practice is governance at the level closest to the people. Local elected officials and organizations responding to needs and challenges must be empowered to make appropriate decisions.


a.    We believe in the rule of law and that we must build better capacity to remove backlogs and make access to the courts affordable for the individual.


b.    We believe that the laws of Canada and our Province should be equally applied to all persons and organizations, irrespective of status and stature.



a.    We believe in smaller governments, prudent spending, and balanced budgets as a means to ensure that people have the financial freedom to enjoy the life they choose and to save for a comfortable retirement.


b.    We believe that legislation, policies, and regulations must produce results that improve the financial stability and well being of Manitobans.




a.    We believe that successful relationships are bonded by trust. The Government and Civil Service must strive to maintain trust between Manitobans and their elected officials.


b.    We believe that transparency builds trust.




Constituency Association Constitution




1.     Members may form a Constituency Association in the provincial Constituency in which they reside.


2.    To obtain recognition as a Constituency Association of The Keystone Party of Manitoba, the Constituency Association shall, through its founding members:


a.    Actively support and promote the Principles of The Keystone Party of Manitoba;


b.    Adopt this Constitution (as set out in the Party Constitution, Schedule B)


c.     Apply in writing to the Provincial Council for recognition with a list of the Directors and Officers elected and their contact information.


3.    To maintain recognition as a Constituency Association of The Keystone Party, the Constituency Association shall continue to support and promote the principles of The Keystone Party actively and shall:


a.    Report to the Provincial Chief Electoral Officer as required by the Election Finances Act with copies to the Keystone Party of Manitoba Chief Financial Officer.


b.    Before May 1st of each year:


i.         Submit to the Party office and the Chief Official Agent of The Keystone Party of Manitoba financial statements for the Constituency Association as of December 31st, of the preceding calendar year;

ii.         Conduct an Annual General Meeting of the members of the Constituency Association, where executive elections can be held, amendments to the Constituency Association Constitution can be considered, and any other business may be transacted as required;


c.     Submit to the Party office a current list of the Executive of the Constituency Association along with contact information; and


d.    Compile, retain, and protect all voter identification lists, key poll identification, and relevant data created during and after every general election and provide copies to The Keystone Party of Manitoba office within sixty (60) days after a General Election or as might be requested by the Provincial Council.

4.    Members will elect not fewer than six or more than twelve members to sit on a Board of Directors. At the founding meeting, one-half of the Directors elected shall serve a one- year term with the other half serving a two-year term. Thereafter, Directors shall serve two-year terms with one-half being elected or re-elected at each Annual General Meeting.


5.    Constituency Associations may appoint up to two (2) Directors from neighboring Constituencies to assist with formation if needed.


6.    Each Constituency Association shall establish a postal address for itself so that members and others have a means of communicating with the Association.


7.    Directors Elected shall, by secret ballot, elect members to fill an Executive committee comprised of

a)     A President;

b)     A Vice-President;

c)      A Secretary;

d)     A Treasurer;

e)     A Membership Chair; and

f)        A Fundraising Chair


8.    The Elected Member or Candidate of Record shall be an ex officio member of the Association Board of Directors.


9.    The Treasurer will open a separate banking account at a credit union or at the following: chartered bank, trust, or loan corporation in the name of the Keystone (constituency name) Constituency Association. The Provincial Council will provide a letter authorizing the use of the name for banking purposes.


10. The President of the Constituency Association or his designate shall serve as a Director on the Provincial Council.


11. Only members age 18 or over who have had their membership for at least 21 days and live within the provincial Constituency are eligible to vote on matters coming before any meeting of the Constituency Association.


12. At least 21 days’ notice shall be given to all Members of the Constituency Association of all Constituency meetings, the Annual General Meetings and any Nomination Meetings based on the most recent membership list.


13. Matters coming before the meetings shall be determined by a simple majority of the votes cast by members present, except that a resolution to amend the Constituency Constitution must receive a two-thirds majority vote to be carried.

14. Members may participate in person or by video conference. Resolutions to amend this Constitution must be referred to the Provincial Council for approval before taking effect.


15. Votes for the election of the Executive and the nomination of the official Candidate of the Party shall be by secret ballot.


16. At each annual meeting, the Association my call for a new candidate selection process if deemed desirable, Such a vote must:


a.    have a two-thirds majority by secret ballot to pass; and

b.    have the approval of the Provincial Council to proceed.


17. A vote for a new candidate selection process cannot be held:


a.    During an election year; or

b.    If a minority government is in place and an election can come at any time.


18. Subject to the other provisions of this Constitution, the affairs of each Constituency Association shall be under the control of its members, acting through the Constituency Association Executive. They are responsible for ensuring that matters are conducted consistent with the principles of The Keystone Party of Manitoba, The Keystone Party of Manitoba Constitution, and this Constitution.


19. Where the Provincial Council determines the conduct of any Constituency Association is inconsistent with the Keystone Party of Manitoba Constitution or this CA Constitution, the Provincial Council shall immediately intervene by directing their Chairperson (or a person designated by the Chair) to meet with the Constituency Association to determine if the matters can be resolved. Failing that, the Provincial Council is empowered to take appropriate action to remedy unconstitutional conduct and ensure that the Constituency Association’s future conduct is in accordance with the Keystone Party Constitutions and their Principles.